The fourth day of Language Camp

The fourth day was full of events.

The 1st of June - International day for Protection children – a wonderful holiday of joy and hope.

Firstly, we participated in flesh mob “ Happy Childhood” . Then, we watched the performance about traffic rules with Dzidzio in main role.

We were divided into groups of two, listened to different chants and then played them in pairs. These games were both educational and fun.

In the afternoon we took part in the quest competition “Treasure Island” . Children happily and excitely overcome obstacles on their way to leadership. Everyone realized that it is important to be un ... Читати далі »

Переглядів: 513 | Додав: School24 | Дата: 2018-06-06 | Коментарі (0)

                                                        The second day of Language Camp

The second day of language camp began friendly and  joyfully. Fresh air, morning exercises, morning circle inspired campers for  interesting and unforgettable trip by train.

 Our fiendly campers enjoyed beautiful  nature, described in English everything watched through the windows of the train improving their communicative skills.

Endless summer, oh, oh, oh, oh,

yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh

Endless summer, oh, oh, oh, oh,

yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh

Moving up, moving down, keep on turning up the sound

We gonn party in the sun

These amasing words from the song "Endless summer" made the campers' heart ... Читати далі »

Переглядів: 415 | Додав: School24 | Дата: 2018-06-06 | Коментарі (0)

The first day  of Language Camp

Summer is here and our Language Camp " Friendship" invites us. The weather was  fine! We gladly started our work and rest! 
We started our day with doing morning exercises. It gave us positive emotions and great feelings.We tried to remember each others  names and personal qualities. Each camper presented himself or herself.
Excursion to the regional library was interesting and useful. We discovered new possibilities in studing and improving our English.
We liked to have a rest too! Our campers had a great fun! Interesting games helped us to remind English words and keep together. We are FRIENDLY CAMPERS!


Переглядів: 401 | Додав: School24 | Дата: 2018-06-06 | Коментарі (0)




На п'ятий та шостий день табору діти мали змогу відвідати боулінг-клуб "Турбіну" та мотузковий парк "Мауглі". Де дізналися правила гри, позмагалися а також випробовували себе н ... Читати далі »

Переглядів: 439 | Додав: School24 | Дата: 2018-06-06 | Коментарі (0)

Девіз дня: "Моє веселкове намисто"





Перший день літа і День захисту прав дітей- прекрасне свято радості та одвічної ... Читати далі »

Переглядів: 476 | Додав: School24 | Дата: 2018-06-06 | Коментарі (0)